Events & Press
Organized seminars:
Prof. Jeffrey W. Ohlmann (University of Iowa, USA): Equitable routing of Capacitated Mobile Facilities. Tuesday, June 11, 2024. 15:00-16:00. Seminar Room Cubo 0/C Dept. of Economics, Statistics and Finance "Giovanni Anania", Arcavacata di Rende (CS).
Prof. Laureano Escudero (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain): On multi-horizon ambiguity sets generation in DRO problem solving. Thursday, April 11, 2024. 14:30-15:30. Room B 03, Dept. of Management Information and Production Engineering, Dalmine (BG).
Dr. Bismark Singh (University of Southampton, UK): Bounding chance-constrained optimization models with classical probability bounds. Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023. 10:30-11:30. Room B101, School of Engineering, Dalmine (BG).
Prof. Stein Wallace (NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway): High-dimensional dependent random variables in optimization. Monday, October 16, 2023. 15:00-16:00. Online seminar.
Prof. Ward Romeijnders (University of Groningen, Netherlands): Scaled cuts for stochastic mixed-integer programs. Friday, May 12, 2023. 11:30-12:30 am. Room C4.09, School of Engineering, Dalmine (BG).
Prof. Darinka Dentcheva (Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ): Multi-stage stochastic optimization with time-consistent risk constraints. Wednesday, March 15, 2023. 11:30-12:30 am. Room B103, School of Engineering, Dalmine (BG).
Prof. Ivana Ljubic (ESSECS Business School of Paris, France): Last-mile Delivery with Autonomous Robots. Organized within the framework "Fondi di Internazionalizzazione - DII 2020" and ULTRAOPTYMAL. Friday, October 21, 2022. h 11:00. Sala Consiliare. Università degli Studi di Brescia (via branze, 38 - Brescia).
Prof. Georg Pflug (University of Vienna): Minimizing the distance between a stochastic process and a scenario tree: new recursive techniques. Organized within the framework of "STaRs Visiting Professor, September 2022" and ULTRAOPTYMAL. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022. 10:00-11:00 am. Room B05, School of Engineering, Dalmine (BG).
Public speech, dissemination, and communication:
[Online event] D. Manerba has been invited to present the ULTRAOPTYMAL project and the related experience as a young researcher in "INCONTRO FORMATIVO: VINCERE UN GRANT GIOVANI RICERCATORI - Bandi AIRC e PRIN" organized by Università degli Studi di Brescia. Sep 08, 2022. Brescia, Italy. Official link -->
[Invited talk] E. Messina. "Auto-Encoders and Generative Adversarial Networks for learning multivariate joint probability distributions". Nov 14, 2023. University of Bergen, Norway.
[Invited talk] E. Messina. "The Generative Power of Deep Learning: Variational Auto-Encoders and Generative Adversarial Networks for scenario generation". Dec 14, 2023. Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy.
[Invited talk] D. Manerba. "Synchronization failures management through an Attended Home Delivery problem with Customer Availability Profiles and multiple recovery options”. University of Mannheim, Germany. Sep 19, 2024.
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